Global climate change requires remediating action from us all. We can help understand how commitment to the SDG and international benchmarks would impact their assets and portfolio. Our clients come from the financial and shipping sectors and we are committed to help you improve your sustainability profile and work both within your own organisation and with your stakeholders in society.

LITEHAUZ will provide you with detailed due diligence of your shipping assets in relation to climate change targets from the organisations relevant to your sector. We have experience with the Poseidon Principles, Clean Bonds Initiative, Clean Shipping Index and other notations on sustainability, emissions and climate change.

Selected references:

Public sector and organisations

Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School led a circular economy development project with the ship recycling sector in Denmark with LITEHAUZ responsible for strategic outreach and stakeholder interaction.

Industry associations and NGOs

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Shipping, offshore and investment/lending

Standard Chartered Bank

We developed a comprehensive overview of environmental notations of ships from Classification Societies, Industry Associations, and NGOs for the Standard Chartered Bank.